Latin American
Jewish Congress
We are the Jewish communities of Latin America
Latin American Jewish Congress
We are the Jewish communities of Latin America

About us
The Latin American Jewish Congress (LAJC) is the international organization that assembles and represents the Jewish communities of Latin America. Its members are organizations from 18 countries of the region, and the LAJC is part of the World Jewish Congress family, that includes over 100 communities from all over the world.

About us
The Latin American Jewish Congress (LAJC) is the international organization that assembles and represents the Jewish communities of Latin America. Its members are organizations from 18 countries of the region, and the LAJC is part of the World Jewish Congress family, that includes over 100 communities from all over the world.
Building the future
We anticipate Jewish life scenarios for 2030; train leaders to face future challenges, and lay the groundwork to design our own future.
Building the future
We anticipate Jewish life scenarios for 2030; train leaders to face future challenges, and lay the groundwork to design our own future.

member organizations

Latin American countries

young leaders in training
Data, metrics, surveys and reports to better understand what Jewish life is like in Latin America.
Training at the LAJC
Our professional training programs, by agreements with the major universities of the region and the rest of the world, contribute original approaches and innovative tools to interpret events and make bold decisions.
Training at the LAJC
Our professional training programs, by agreements with the major universities of the region and the rest of the world, contribute original approaches and innovative tools to interpret events and make bold decisions.
Kol israel arevim ze laze
All Jews are responsible for one another
כל ישראל עבים זה לזה
The new generation of leaders is here.

Gabriel Buznick
I´m motivated by the continuity of the community

Tomás Mojo
It motivates me to be part of a space for collective construction, for the defense of Human Rights and a place to get to know people, ideas and unique projects, with great social impact and scope.

Hernán Frenkel
I am motivated by the possibility of strengthening the voice of the community in those spaces where it is necessary to make it heard, as well as the desire to build coexistence in diversity.

Tamara Grajewer
It motivates me to be part of programs that promote the feeling of community, culture, values and Jewish tradition.

Florencia Kaplun
Knowing that there is constant discrimination based on ignorance and hate motivates me to activate and contribute my grain of sand.

Nicolás Luna
I am motivated by the traditions, values and knowledge that we share in our community. I am committed to participate wherever it is in order to support it, promote its growth and preserve its roots.

Brenda Ficher
Collective construction is one of the founding bases of Jewish identity and I believe that we have a responsibility to follow that mandate. We are better together, we are better with each other.
Ideas on demand
Join in to our signature newsletters, listen to our podcast and get fresh ideas on a regular basis.
Institutional newsletter
What´s new at the LAJC and
the Latin American Jewish Communities, on a weekly basis.
In each episode, a fresh glanceto anticipate the future of the
Jewish communities of the region
Culture, history, personalities, well-known authors in pleasant readings in our free access publications.
Stimulating topics in academic papers to read on the couch
Information and insights on the terrorist threat in Latin America
Con Vivencia
Multiple views, ideas and stories of interfaith coexistence in Latin America.